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Haberdashers' Slade Green

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Welcome to Slade Green Nursery and Primary School



A hidden gem in Slade Green, our school provides a nursery for 3-4 year olds (opened in September 2022) and a two-form entry primary with wonderful grounds regularly used for quality outdoor learning.  We are a warm, welcoming and inclusive school with families from diverse faiths and cultures in and around our local area. 

Haberdashers' Slade Green Primary is a place where children can become curious and independent learners, with high aspirations, who achieve great things and embrace future challenges with real confidence.

We would love you to join our community and find out what it means to be a proud Haberdasher.

Read our School Prospectus

Why choose Slade Green?

  • We provide an excellent Haberdashers’ education – joining us will mean being part of the Haberdashers’ family. We recognise the importance of educating the whole child, building on their strengths and celebrating individual achievements.  We are #proudtobehaberdashers
  • We are a happy, safe, secure and caring school where children feel included and valued. Children flourish in our friendly and nurturing environment developing personal aspiration and a lifelong love of learning whilst achieving their potential both academically and socially.  Our children become curious and independent learners, are motivated and engaged, and embrace future challenges with real confidence.  Our children have outstanding behaviour, are keen to learn and have a sense of respect and responsibility towards others.
  • Our inclusive and knowledge-rich curriculum aims for all children to ‘Engage, Enrich and Excel’, recognises the diversity of the local and wider community and is complemented by a broad range of educational experiences. We provide enrichment through lunch clubs, after-school clubs and a termly school trip/visit for each year group linked to our curriculum.
  • Our strong passionate staff team are highly dedicated, having high expectations for learning, achievement, and behaviour for all children and value the contribution that every child brings to our school.
  • We have an excellent Early years provision with a curriculum which develops inquisitive independent learners. This includes a new nursery for 3-4 year olds, which offers 15-hour and limited 30-hour places.
  • We provide a range of opportunities where children can develop their leadership skills, empowering them to help shape our school development.
  • We have unrivalled outdoor play and learning spaces, which are used from Nursery to year 6 and provide super opportunities for creative play, outdoor learning, sport and enrichment activities.
  • Our children make excellent progress from Key Stage 1 into Key Stage 2 and in readiness for secondary school and our outcomes in Year 6 are well above the national average in all subjects.
  • Our inclusion team provide additional support for all children, with wellbeing and good mental health as a priority. We have been awarded the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Quality mark.
  • We develop happy and successful partnerships with parents and guardians and value the ideas and opinions of all our community. We provide a variety of Parent/Guardian workshops, planned to enhance the learning and social and emotional needs of our children.

Join us for an open event or weekly school tour

Our open mornings will run from 15 October to 8 January. Find out more on our Open Days page. 

You can also join us for a School Tour on Wednesdays at 9am. Please call us on 01322 402 188 to let us know you will be joining us.

How to Apply 

Nursery applications can be made directly to us using our nursery application form

Primary (Reception places) applications are made through Bexley Council's common application form. Further details on applications can be found on our primary applications page

In year application information can be found via this link: Applying for school in-year | London Borough of Bexley.  Bexley will then inform the school of the application.  If a place cannot be offered at the time of applying, the child's name will be added to the waiting list for the academic year.

Admissions Policies

Determined Admissions Policy 2023/2024

Determined Admissions Policy 2024/2025

Slade Green Admissions Policy 2025/2026

Appeals Information

Parents have the right to appeal under The Education Act to an independent panel, against the decision not to offer your child a place at the school for September 2024.

  • Reception intake 2024 closing date for Appeals - May 2025 (exact date TBC)

Completed forms should be sent or handed in person to the Admissions Administrator, Haberdashers' Slade Green, Chrome Road, Slade Green, DA8 2EL

Haberdashers' Slade Green Primary 2024 Appeals Form & Guidance

Appeals timetable for Primary intake 2025

15th April 2025

National Offer Day

May 2025

Closing date to submit Appeal

June-July 2025

Appeal Hearing for Reception

If you have any questions or queries regarding the Admissions Process please contact:

 Telephone | 01322 402 188 

Email | sladegreenadmin@habstrustsouth.org.uk 

BACK: Why Choose Haberdashers' Slade Green Primary