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Haberdashers' Slade Green

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Communication - who should I contact?

Class Teacher

School office

You can speak to your class teacher for a quick chat immediately after they have dismissed the class at the end of the day or you can arrange for them to give you a call by either ringing the office on 01322 402188 or by  e mailing sladegreenadmin@habstrustsouth.org.uk

 Your class teacher will be able to help you with the following issues in the first instance:

 ·       Behaviour issues

·       Wellbeing issues

·       Learning and academic progress

·       Home learning queries

·       Trips/visits

 Please be aware that our staff work very hard to provide an excellent education for your children. If you arrive at school without having made an appointment, it is unlikely that a member of staff will immediately be available to support you.

Our pupil services team in the school office can deal with the following issues in person, by phone or by e mail sladegreenadmin@habstrustsouth.org.uk

The office is open from 08:30 – 16:30, it may be closed for lunch between 13:00 – 14:00 (answerphone in place)

·  Reporting an absence

·  School events/general information

·  Enrichment clubs

·  Breakfast club/Dinner/trip payments 

-  Parentpay queries

·  Medical issues, dietary requirements

·  Requesting appointments with  staff

·  Admissions

·  Volunteering

·  Reply slips

·  Support with completing forms

·  Health and safety queries

Phase Leader

Safeguarding Team

Following communication with the class teacher, our phase leaders are available to advise on their specific areas of responsibility.

Nursery/Reception/ – Ms Doyley




Y3/Y4 – Ms Macauley


Y5/Y6 – Mr Warner


All matters regarding children in these specific year groups including transitions.

Ms Mintram

Mr Warner

Mrs Evans

Mr Reese

Ms Doyley

Ms Palaniappan

Ms McKenzie

Mrs Best

On any issues where you have concerns about a child, please share your concerns without any delay.

Call the office and ask to speak to a designated safeguarding officer.

Inclusion Lead/SENCO/family liaison

Assistant principal

For queries relating to children with SEND/ about their SEND provision after speaking to the class teacher. 

On-going pastoral support, initial welfare issues, the Early help assessment process. 




Teaching and learning approaches and provision

Unresolved concerns







 Where can I find out information?

Weekly Briefing

This has information about future events, an overview of children’s learning in the week and other messages.

This is sent to parents each week and also uploaded on to the website and on the noticeboard by the school gate.


Information about every aspect of the school including our curriculum, home learning, term dates, newsletter, staff team etc

Short and Long School Reports

Short reports are provided at Parents' Evenings, while longer reports are sent home at the end of the school year. 

Parents’ Evenings

These are held once per term and discuss children’s learning, behaviour, attendance and targets.   These are either face to face or by telephone.

Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

Photos of learning and events in school

What communication platforms do I need to be careful of?


We would prefer parents to communicate directly with the school if they have any concerns rather than raise them in a forum.  The school does not have any official Whatsapp groups and cannot guarantee the validity of any information which is posted on these groups. We would caution against using these groups for sharing concerns, especially about other pupils, as this can lead to confusion and misconceptions.


We cannot guarantee the validity of any information which is posted on these groups. We would caution against using these groups for sharing concerns, especially about other pupils, as this can lead to confusion and misconceptions.

Talking on the gate

Staff are available for a quick chat on the gate, but may need to request you make an appointment or refer you to another member of staff if it is a serious or complex matter.

Sharing behaviour concerns directly

We would encourage parents to share behaviour concerns with their child’s teacher or phase leader. This is more effective than going directly to their parents or guardians.

Reprimanding other children directly is inappropriate. 

Group Meetings

Should we need to discuss an issue with more than one child/family, staff will meet with the parents and guardians of one pupil at a time.  

Sharing negative information about other children

It is important to remember that all our children are very young, and that the best avenue to share your concerns about another child is your child’s class teacher or phase leader. Lots of negative discussion about a child outside of school can lead to children behaving unkindly in school, which is something we all want to avoid as a community.

Can you write me a letter which says...

The school is able to write letters which confirm things that the school knows to be factually accurate. These cannot be 'To whom it may concern' letters- the school must be provided with a person to address the letter to. 

Please note that while we wish to support you in every way we can, school letters rarely have an impact on matters such as housing authority decisions.