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Slade Green Primary is rated 'Good' with 'Outstanding' for Personal Development

We are delighted that Slade Green Primary was rated a 'Good' school with 'Outstanding' features by Ofsted in March 2024.

Key strengths highlighted: 

  • We have a strong personal, social, health, and economic programme that encourages pupils' understanding of school values such as aspiration and personal responsibility.
  • Pupils have access to a wide range of after-school clubs including dance, sports, and choir, which they speak about with great passion.
  • We provide free school uniform to those who most need it through our Uniform United Reuse scheme. 
  • We have strong partnerships with our Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller community, which has been highly recognized nationally.
  • Pupils are ambitious about future careers, with many desiring to go to university.
  • The curriculum has been transformed, with a clear progression of knowledge and skills being embedded in all foundation subjects.
  • Pupils talk about their learning with confidence and enthusiasm, and they retain key knowledge over time, supporting strong outcomes by the end of Key Stage 2.
  • Our safeguarding arrangements are effective, and leaders use appropriate strategies to ensure that pupils attend school and address those who are persistently absent.

Slade Green Primary was rated 'Good' overall with 'Outstanding' for Personal Development in its latest inspection by Ofsted on 28 and 29 February 2024. The full report will be available on the Ofsted website soon - we will add a link to this here when this is live.

The inspectors found that: 

Pupils’ personal development is at the centre of the school. Leaders use this
to underpin the opportunities to develop pupils’ cultural capital and experiences. This is
interwoven through the curriculum and beyond. 

Leaders, at all levels, share high ambitions for pupils.
Leaders are diligent in addressing the disadvantages that some pupils may face. Pupils appreciate that they can learn about things they need to be ‘great in the future’.

Pupils eagerly take on many leadership responsibilities.  They represent their peers
with pride as members of the school parliament, digital, reading and well being leaders.

Robust systems are in place to ensure that leaders swiftly identify pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils pursue their interests and talents through a wide range of well planned outings, clubs and events. They are proud to represent their school in trust and national competitions.

Pupils’ attitudes to learning are strong. They listen well and respond positively to their teachers. Information is presented clearly . Teachers use ‘brain breaks ’ activities effectively . This ensure s that pupils are ready to move on to new learning. They settle promptly to work.

Inspection Report

Read the full inspection report