Safeguarding and Inclusion are fundamental to all that we do at Haberdashers' Slade Green. To find out more:
All schools within the Haberdashers’ Academies Trust South, provide teaching and learning that enables all pupils to attain and achieve greatness through a broad, balanced and appropriately differentiated curriculum.
The aim is to ensure all pupils are appropriately supported in order that they may work confidently towards reaching their full potential.
Policy and practice reflects the philosophy and fundamental principles within the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2015:
- Schools will, with best endeavour, meet the needs of special educational needs pupils
- The views of the child and family should be sought and taken into account
- Parents have a vital role to play in supporting their child’s education
- High quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised will meet the individual needs of the majority of children and young people (1.24)
All pupils have individual needs and it is our responsibility to ensure that teachers and support staff have the necessary skills to provide quality first teaching that meets these needs, enables progress and raises levels of achievement for all pupils including those with SEN.
The Inclusion team at each school works closely with parents as partners in the education of their children and will keep them informed at each stage.
Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s class teacher in the first instance with any concerns in order for the matter to be directed to the most appropriate member of staff.
The emotional welfare of the pupils is very important to us and there are a number of people in post at each school who provide a valuable support network for some of our most vulnerable young people. Parents, carers and pupils themselves are encouraged to speak to a member of staff if any difficulties arise.
At Haberdashers’ Slade Green Primary we are committed to establishing equality for all pupils, their parents, staff and other users of the school. In drawing up this Accessibility Plan, the school sets to promote equality of opportunity for disabled people: pupils, staff, parents, carers and other people who use the school or may wish to through:
- providing safe access throughout the school for all school users
- ensuring that the learning and teaching environment and the resources used are suitable for all staff and pupils, making reasonable adjustments to meet individual needs
- providing a curriculum offer that is accessible to all pupils 2
- improving the availability of accessible information relating to the school to parents, pupils, staff and visitors
The Trust's Graduated Approach to Inclusion
WAVE 1 |
Effective inclusion of all pupils is delivered by quality first teaching in all lessons. This includes Differentiation, multi sensory teaching and support given by class teacher and learning support assistant. All Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, including where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff. |
WAVE 2 |
Quality first teaching in class delivered by teacher and intervention put in place by teacher to Assess, Plan, Do and Review. |
WAVE 3 |
Despite quality first teaching no progress has been made in the intervention. A referral is made to the SENCO. The SENCO assesses pupil and sets specific targets places the child on the SEN support list. This may result in a referral to the Educational Psychologist, Speech Therapy or an application for an Education Health Care Plan. All staff are made aware of the child’s targets through the Pupil Support Plan. Support draws on more detailed approached, more frequent review and more specialist expertise in successive cycles in order to match interventions to the SEN of children and young people. |
Useful documents
- Communication-Tips For Parents
- Giving Voice Parent Advice - S L
- Inclusion-Flow-Chart
- Interventions for children
- Parent Carer strategies Leaflet
- Primary SEN Policy 0921
- Provision at Slade Green Temple Grove
- Reading-Strategies
- SEND Support Plan
- Speech Language Advice to Parents
- Spelling-strategies
- Support Agencies at SGTG
- Top-tips-for-parents-supporting-Dyslexia
- Transitions at SGTG
Please refer to our special educational needs page for further information