Curriculum Vision
Our curriculum at Haberdashers' Slade Green (HSG) has been developed with the Trust’s aims at its core; we are determined to enrich all pupils’ lives by providing learning opportunities within a knowledge-rich curriculum that addresses the challenges of contemporary society. Our ambitious curriculum is underpinned by our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion; preparing and nurturing all pupils to become proactive global citizens in a constantly shifting world. We believe passionately that pupils life chances are materially impacted by their character development and capacity for lifelong learning.
Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum programmes of study with an agreed syllabus for Religious Education. It has been shaped by the priority we have given to celebrating and representing our diverse local community as well as providing both classical and traditional knowledge.
This policy is closely linked to our Primary Teaching Principles:
Our Approach
Our curriculum recognises pupils’ starting points and prior learning and as a result we prioritise the development of early language, mathematics, reading and writing. It recognises the importance of maximising engagement through an enriched curriculum model which enables children to excel in all areas.
It prepares them with the character and personal attributes to become successful adults in both the local and global communities. We aim for all our pupils to leave school being ‘secondary ready’, playing a positive and active role in our community with the confidence and skills to make decisions and become lifelong learners.
In summary, our curriculum aims to enable pupils to Engage, Enrich and Excel.
Engage: Each termly theme has been selected to meet the needs and interests of the children at HSG and their diverse backgrounds. Leaders have chosen high-quality reading texts to hook pupils and to develop a love of reading. Project-based homework activities are given at the start of a topic to launch curiosity and interest and allow children and families to work and create together.
Enrich: Learning is enriched both in and out of the classroom. Links between subjects and termly educational visits allow children to deepen their understanding and provides opportunities to develop their cultural capital with real-life experiences through integration with foundation subjects. Extensive pupil leadership opportunities empower pupil voice throughout the school.
Excel: The curriculum develops a secure grounding of learning in the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science for all children and a sequential development of learning in Foundation subjects including: History, Geography, PSHE, Art and Design Technology. Through developing children’s learning in this way, we not only achieve good results in summative assessment, but we believe this holistic approach will help our children secure a love of learning and become adults who thrive in society.
The curriculum is permanently evolving, following termly evaluation of content and outcomes.
Haberdashers' Slade Green Curriculum Policy
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
To support our commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, we have split the curriculum themes into our three Golden Threads of EDI:
Addressing the needs of our planet is an EDI issue; global warming will impact those who are most vulnerable first. Understanding the impacts of environmental issues such as climate change, deforestation, poaching and animal rights will give the children a wider view of matters which affect both humans and other living things.
Social Justice
This thread is all about learning about rights, inequality and the law, past and present, and how that impacts people today. This may also include learning about the struggles of marginalised groups, and the victories and challenges of those who work to end inequality, both now and in the past.
Global Excellence
In all we do, we strive to show children a broad and balanced view of global history and current events; recognising the achievements of societies and individuals who are well-known, and also those who were traditionally less valued. This could include a focus on writers, artists, designers and scientists from outside of the global west, while also ensuring children have a core knowledge base of classical understanding.
Overview 2024-5
Equality, diversity and Inclusion
It is essential to our curriculum vision that every child is able to access their education fully and reach their full potential. Please see these linked pages:
Our Curriculum Overviews
- Nursery Curriculum Map
- Reception Curriculum Map
- Year 1 Curriculum Overview
- Year 2 Curriculum Overview
- Year 3 Curriculum Overview
- Year 4 Curriculum Overview
- Year 5 Curriculum Overview
- Year 6 Curriculum Overview
In Early Years and Year 1 (and Year 2 as necessary) Read Write Inc. is used to teach phonics, handwriting and as a writing intervention. More information on Read, Write Inc. can be found in our Curriculum Policy and our 'English' page.
If you'd like to find out more about progression in phonics and how to support your child, take a look at our Homework Page.